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Who doesn’t like Android? Almost everyone likes it. This section belongs to Android fanbois willing to explore the latest how-tos, tricks & hacks.

WhatsApp AI Stickers: How to Create AI Stickers on WhatsApp

WhatsApp AI Stickers: How to Create AI Stickers on WhatsApp

Let's admit it: WhatsApp has always been the best app for communication. It's an instant messaging app that facilitates features like text messaging, file...
How to Update Your Home Address On Google Maps

How to Update Your Home Address On Google Maps

Let's admit it, traveling is good for both physical and mental health, but preparing for it could be a tedious & challenging task. This...
Alarm Didn't Go Off on Android? 8 Best Ways to Fix it

Alarm Didn’t Go Off on Android? 8 Best Ways to Fix it

Just recall the times your boss justified you for arriving late at the office due to irregular sleep habits. The best way to correct...
10 Best Android Applications To Visualize CPU, RAM and Battery

10 Best Android Applications To Visualize CPU, RAM and Battery

One of the signs of being a phone geek is that your eyes always strike toward the device's RAM usage and battery percentage. This...
How To Turn Your Android Device Into Full Functional Computer

How To Turn Your Android Device Into Full Functional Computer

Have you ever considered turning your Android device into a fully functional computer by attaching your device to a TV/Monitor, keyboard, and mouse? I...
10 Best Apps To Create Stop Motion & TimeLapse Videos

10 Best Apps To Create Stop Motion & TimeLapse Videos

If we look around, we will find that Millions of users now use Android. Android provides users with far more features and customization options...
How To Capture Moving Photos On Android in 2023

How To Capture Moving Photos On Android in 2023

Modern Android smartphones can capture moving pictures. More importantly, moving or 3D pictures are now considered essential, and most new smartphones have this feature...
How To Hide Apps On Android in 2023

How To Hide Apps On Android in 2023

Let's admit it: sometimes, we wish to hide certain apps on our Android. There might be various reasons behind hiding apps on Android. Maybe...
How To Add Guest Mode Feature In Any Android Device

How To Add Guest Mode Feature In Any Android

Since we carry our Android smartphones everywhere, we store many much-needed files. Also, Android is the most used mobile operating system, with more apps...
How to Fix Unfortunately Gmail has stopped (8 Best Ways)

How to Fix Unfortunately Gmail has stopped (8 Best Ways)

Let's admit that we all have more than one email app installed on our Android smartphones. While the Gmail app ships with all Android...